A very hot social lifestyles ezine

Gold stars burst from the ceiling as city donors and leaders dug in their shovels at the groundbreaking for the Dallas Center for the Performing Arts. Photo by Weston Adams.

Philippe Starck at Design Within Reach. Photo courtesy Philippe Starck.
Sharon Young, Chairman, The Art Ball "Gods and Kings" benefiting the Dallas Museum of Art at the auction committee party; Stephan Pyles; Suzanne Droese.  Photo by Dana Driensky.
Link to an overview of each city's offerings:



Santa Fe

These links spotlight Dallas

"Scene and Be Seen" tm

Party Pics

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socialwhirl.com presents:
Charlotte and Shy Anderson host party honoring Jeff Leatham,
internationally renowned Artistic Director of the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris and featured floral designer and author, 2005 Art in Bloom Floral Symposium and Festival sponsored by the Dallas Museum of Art League, benefiting the Dallas Museum of Art
. Margaret McDermott, Founding Benefactor~ Cynthia R. Mitchell, Honorary Chairman
Lynn Brooks and Susan Robinson, Co-Chairs

Absolutely fabulous floral designs by Charlotte Anderson and Junior Villanueva of The Garden Gate
in the syle of Jeff Leatham.

Photos by Dana Driensky and Rob Wythe. Published July 30, 2005

Jeff Leatham wearing one of Jerry Jones' Super Bowl rings and Jerry Jones

Charlotte Anderson, hostess and Melissa Meeks, perusing Leatham's new book,
Flowers by Design

Cynthia Mitchell, Honorary Chairman and her husband, Tom Mitchell

Deborah Laza, president, DMA League 2004-05
Lucy Rivas,
Bella Flora of Dallas
Cathy Hawley; Dana Darby
Charlotte and Shy Anderson, hosts
Dining table set up included sprinkling flower petals around the center

Jeff Leatham; Susan Robinson and Lynn Brooks, co-chairs

Leatham is known for "drowning" flowers, stacking vases and utilizing very tall vases.
Jeff Leathan; Barbara Daseke

Connie and Denny Carreker

Brown and Carmen Glenn

Mary Lois Leonard; Jeff Leatham; Sloan Leonard

Charlotte Anderson, hostess; Jeff Leatham

Delicious delicacies by the Dallas Cowboys Catering Division

Delicious delicacies by the Dallas Cowboys Catering Division


Cesar Diaz and his sister, Lucy Rivas of Bella Flora of Dallas;
Junior and Maria Villanueva of The Garden Gate; Katie Steffes

Jeff Leatham signing Peggy Sewell's copy of his book, Flowers by Design
Trisha Dixon and her sister,
Gene Jones

Suzanne Palmlund

We'd love to have you join our committee and join the Dallas Museum of Art League!
Contact: Kaite Park, DMA League Liaison for details: 214-922-1249. Email is kpark@dallasmuseumofart.org
Dallas Museum of Art League Home
and Membership Information

Visit the Dallas Museum of Art website

FIND YOUR PHOTO: Go to socialwhirl.com's Party Pics or your Non-Profit Organization's link. If your event doesn't appear there, email us with the name of your event, and we will direct you to it.